The membership of the Society shall consist of Associate, Retiree and Friend.

Associate: Any person having a valid and unrevoked certificate as a certified public manager issued by any program accredited by the National Certified Public Manager Consortium shall be eligible for Active Membership as an Associate of the Society. The Board shall establish standards for continuing membership as an Associate.

Retiree: Any person having a valid and unrevoked certificate as a certified public manager issued by any program accredited by the National Certified Public Manager Consortium shall be eligible for Active Membership as a Retiree of the Society providing he/she retired from active service in good standing. The Board shall establish standards for continuing membership as a Retiree.

Friend: Any individual who is pursuing accreditation as a candidate in the Certified Public Manager program, an employer or constituent, who agrees to uphold the goals of the society, and is in good standing with SCSCPM, shall be eligible for active membership as a Friend of the Society. The Board shall establish standards for continuing membership as a Friend.

Termination of Membership: Membership in the Society shall terminate upon the failure to meet continuing membership requirements, the failure to pay dues, or by a majority vote of the The Board for reasons of unethical or illegal conduct. 

"South Carolina Society of Certified Public Managers" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. PO Box 7274, Columbia, SC 29202

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